Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Playing the Lotto

In case you didn't already know this, there is no state Lotto in Nevada.  Go figure.  So what do we do when we really want to throw away $20 bucks on the minuscule chance that we could win the big money? We drive to California of course.

About 35 miles south of the Las Vegas city limit (55 miles for us way up in North Las Vegas) is tiny little Primm, NV.  There really is nothing there except for two casinos, an outlet mall, a roller coaster, and fast food.  It is immediately on the Nevada side of the California/Nevada border.  The casinos are mere feet from the border so that tourists headed to Las Vegas can get their gambling fix the second they hit Nevada.

But there is one special little building that sits just on the California side of the border (literally feet from the border) that allows all of us Las Vegas residents to get our Lotto fix.  It's called "Terrible's Lotto Store."
When K and I visited last Saturday at 10 am, the parking lot was full and the line inside was wound around the lobby like those lines at Disneyland that seem to go forever.  I would like to point out that while the sign says "Mini-Mart", it is probably the most mini of all mini-marts in history.  There is a small refrigerated section, one little shelf with chips and cookies, and a coffee machine.  The rest of the store is empty so that it can be filled with people lining up to the giant counter manned by multiple cashiers, and the rest of the lobby is filled with scratcher machines.

I find this building hilarious and just a little ridiculous.  If you're ever driving into Las Vegas, when you come to the Nevada border, look to the right really quickly and you'll see it.

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