Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Last Sunday K and I celebrated our one-year marriage anniversary.  The day itself wasn't really that special...  K called me that morning (which is always a good way to be woken up) and then I treated myself to a yummy breakfast:
Cinnamon roll and a Chai latte... yum!
And the rest of my day looked like this:
Homework, homework, homework.

That evening I had the usual Sunday dinner with my family/grandparents.  (Their summer goal seems to be figuring out how many things you can eat on a stick.  That particular Sunday it was a yummy chicken/pineapple kebab.)  Mostly the day was unremarkable.  I didn't even wash my hair.  

It was definitely bitter-sweet to be so far apart on a special day, but we both did our best to make it special.  When I got home from work on Saturday, these beautiful flowers and a balloon were waiting for me:

And there isn't much I could do for K, but I recently came across a care package phenomenon known as "Cake In A Jar" so I decided to give it a try.  I found a simple recipe/instructions and recruited my mom to help me (and by help I mean do all the work).  I made him a red velvet cake because our tradition is to have red velvet for all of our special occasions, and it's K's favorite.  I made two jars and attached plastic forks, and packaged them up with a can of frosting for a special anniversary package:

K and I also got to video chat that day so we took a special screen-shot to go with all of the others we've taken:
The sign looks like it was written by a 5-year old
because I had to write it backwards.
Despite having a slightly lame anniversary day (although it won't easily be forgotten), I have had an amazing first year of being K's wife.  I love that he is the one I get to share my life with, the fact that he still gives me butterflies, and that we have a million plans for our future together.  Our anniversary may not have been perfect, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Now, if we could just get in a honeymoon before the next anniversary...  wishful thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I am so sorry you didn't get to spend it together. I love your sign (and I am very impressed that you were able to figure writing it out backwards). I am crossing my fingers for that honeymoon for you guys!
