Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Little Encouragement

Before K left for his deployment, I asked a bunch of our friends and family to write him little messages of love, support, encouragement, etc.  I put the messages, along with photos from each friend/family, into a book so that he could take it with him while he was gone.  I waited until the absolute LAST minute before I ordered the book through Shutterfly (which is an awesome site, by the way) and I guess I waited just a few minutes too long because it arrived after I took K to the airport. (Actually, exactly 1 hour after I dropped him off.)  Anyway, I shipped the book to him and being that he has now seen it, I can share it with all of you.
K's "Vacation" - 2011
"For K - this book was made especially for you by your family and friends.  It is filled with words of encouragement and prayers for you.  Whenever you get a little homesick, or just want to see some familiar faces, look in this book and know that every person here loves you, supports you, and is praying for your safe return.  We are proud of you for serving your country and we are with you in your heart no matter how far from home you are.  We love you so much, Your Family and Friends"

These are a few examples of what was in the book...

K just received the book and had a chance to read through it and he said he was amazed by how much love and support he felt through everyone's words.  I'm glad I had a chance to make this for him and thank you to everyone that participated!


  1. What an awesome idea! I love it. That would be so nice to receive a gift like that out there. Great job. He's a lucky guy to have someone as thoughtful as you in his life!

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    Your comment was chosen as the winning comment on Glorious Treats for chocolate from Guylian Chocolates. You need to e-mail me with your address and I'll will pass the info along to Guylian.
    Glory/ Glorious Treats

  3. @ Melinda: Thank you! He really loved it and it turned out so much better than I thought it would.

    @ Glory: I sent you an e-mail to the gmail account listed. Thanks!

  4. Hey lady, I nominated you for the Lovely Blog Award cus you're amazing. Check it out over at my blog. I love love love the book you made by the way.
